Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Hipster jokes from east London

My poetry bring all the hipsters to the yard and they're like "How Avant-garde" 

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody's around to hear it, will a hipster buy the soundtrack? 

Dear Hipster, Jesus loved you before you were cool. 

If a hipster does something but doesn't Instagram it, did it really happen? 

I ain't no hipster, but I can make your hips stir. 

Dear Hipster, no matter how cool you think you're making it look...It's still alcoholism 

Two hipsters walk into a bar. The first one did it before it was cool, and the second one did it ironically. 

I farted in a room of hipsters and I watched them fight each other over who heard it first. 

So a hipster walks into a bar and, well, you've probably never heard of it. 

What came first the hipster or the mainstream? 

Push a hipster down the stairs, look whose tumbling. 

Hipsters wear jackets in the summer before it's cool. 

Hipsters hate rivers. Too mainstream. 

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