Wednesday, 13 June 2018

How to share your feelings 3

When you decide to share your feelings there is one important rule. Do not justify.
Explain but not justify.
Remember they are your feelings. You can give a reason of course but you don’t need a confirmation or agreement.
All you need is to be listened and being understood when you share your feelings.
People in the conversation do not need to READ MORE CLICK HERE

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

How to share your feelings 2

Sharing your feelings must free you not make you feel under pressure.
You have to be confident, relax and powerful when you are opening up with your most personal feelings.
If you are not ease then either you are not ready or the person you choose is not right.
As long as the conditions mentioned above right you will be the winner. Come out more powerful and emotionally connected. This will lead to happiness and being positive.
If you want to be happy.. READ MORE CLICK HERE

Friday, 8 June 2018

How to share your feelings?

Sharing your feeling is not easy. Feelings are very but very personal. Actually, sometimes it is harder to express your emotional thoughts to people very close to you.
I believe one of the main reasons for that is not to hurt people. Partners, parents, siblings, best friends sometimes take it seriously and get offended, hurt etc.
Remember most of the time people treat the closest bad. Go hard. Heavy. Cause they know you can take it or understand. They know that you will forgive them no matter what.
Looking at the situation on your side.  Read More..