Saturday, 24 February 2018

Basic rules of dating

There are fundamental rules if you want to be successful in the dating game.
First of all what does mean being successful on dating?
-Get a second date?
-One night stand?
-Possible relationship opportunity?
It all depends on what do you want. This is the first rule. 

Friday, 16 February 2018

What makes you happy?

Do you even ask this question to yourself? I bet you don't. Well, you should. Because the answer will be the route to your pure happiness.

Most people -including you- making decisions based on other peoples beliefs, opinions, ideas etc. This includes a very simple decision to most important one and you know that. Why try to satisfy other people and sacrifice your happiness for acceptance? Unfortunately, this is becoming a norm these days. We must change that but how.?

The first step is being ruthless. In the beginning, hearts will break, people will get hurt. However, in the long turn, the table will change. People who understand your reasons and accept your independent decisions and more importantly respect the way you want to live your life. This process will hurt some people including you but in the end, you will end up with people who care about and who care about you.

Life is not a smooth journey. This is the reality. Accept the reality. Once you do it, then your life will be much simple and happy. Do not make it complicated. Keep it simple. If you decide to do something then just do it. The second you try to justify your decisions to others you become unhappy. NO need for that. Make a decision and go for it. Don't worry. It gets easier and you become happier.
Remember, being happy is not a task. It's your right.  Don't let society to guide you. Follow your heart and mind.
You will never go wrong.

Taken from dailyconversationsblog