Saturday 15 September 2018

Meeting the family of THE girlfriend for the first time

Everybody agrees that you only have one chance for a good first impression. Hence the name. FIRST.!

Meeting the family of my girlfriend for the first time. Time to be smart, prepared, focused. Plan ahead. Once again; Be smart. Use the lessons from previous experiences. Follow the rules.

So here I go for that opportunity.
Already lover her, she does love me too but (unfortunately) you have to make sure everybody likes you.
Especially in the beginning. Until they know you and your intentions. Because people judge way too quick these days and if it is not positive it fucks everything up.

So it is time to play the game.

Rule Number One: Do not be an asshole. Be nice. Be patient. Scale people up. Are they sarcastic? Jokers? Serious? Do not rush but be nice.

Rule Number Two: Be Cautious. Keep an eye on your girlfriend when engaging with certain adults. Is she relax? Stressed? Jumpy? So you can manage your communication with that person better.

Rule Number Three: Listen more, talk less. Best way to figure out about the person you have just met. What subject they are passionate about? How much knowledge they have? What kinda word they are using? Are they positive? Negative? Aggressive? Happy? So you can pick little tips and READ MORE..

Friday 17 August 2018

Unwanted fight

He knows what he wants

People don't

Hard to explain


He tries, barely..

Gives up sometimes

Pick himself up

When he gets weak

Knowing the borders


His limits won't help

If they refuse

to see

Unwanted fight

not willing to win

or lose

with humans

always believe they have

right to choose

Screaming to light

Whispering in dark

Scared of them

being black or white

Giving up the once again

Knowing to start

All over again..

Friday 3 August 2018

Good Old London Bendy Buses

A long time ago they decide to introduce so-called Bendy Buses to London. What a big mistake that was.

First of all, they were not suitable for London's narrow roads but most importantly nobody was paying a fare.
Hop in Hop out.

When the authorities realise the non-paying issue, they recruited 150 people to catch people like us. They give them a fancy name. Revenue Protection Officers.

RPO's mean business.
They tried every trick in the book.
Tried to surprise people, catch them red-handed.
They hide behind bus stops, jump on a bus just before the doors close.

The trick was to keep an eye on the next stop.
When you see the Revenue Protection Officers you jump off the bus before they get in. Once they were in you pray that bus gets to next stop before they got to you.

Sometimes people used to get caught before they got to you. That was a mixed feeling though. You are happy being safe but feel for the fellow fee dodger.

Let's say you managed to get away for some time but your luck turned and got caught.

The first thought is "Even if I get fined, I am still in profit." Total unpaid fees £118, fine £60. right?

Not really.!

You should never give up.

So you give them some made up name, address, get your ticket, listen their -be a good citizen, pay your dues- advice and move on.

The secret in this tactic was to look embarrassed, feel bad and acted like you learn your lesson. If you behave cooky etc they insisted on seeing your ID, asking ridiculous questions and sometimes get the police involved.

You made them feel like winners. They got you. Wow. Great job mate. So you can safely move away and let them chase Mr Gregor Samsa.

This one time I and my mate decided to jump on a bus. He had a pass however I told him that I had no bus pass.
He dismissed my point and said " don't be a pussy"

Guess what happened next. I got caught.

So I am in the middle of the bus with my mate getting questioned, all pissed off decided to teach a lesson to my friend and gave his name and address to the officer.

Obviously, he didn't say anything but I could see him getting red and angry. I was feeling good myself at the time.
When he finished with me, the officer turned to my friend and asked for the pass. My smartass mate said that he didn't have a pass and gave my name/address for the fine. Asshole..!

Then one day Boris Johnson got rid off all bendy buses and brought fancy but troubled new routemasters.

Wanto to Read More about London Click Here

Wednesday 25 July 2018

London Poem

They all come to London

Big dreams,

Soon abandon

Center of the world

One language turns hundred

Getting hurled

Memories Plundered

City is busy

Ignores you

You feel dizzy

Have no Clue

Not easy to get here

Harder to leave

When you realise

It's too late

There is nothing to achieve

Love and hate

You are in between

Knowing its too late

To get clean

London Knows you are here

Sad and tired

Only sees but cant here

You think you are fired

No more inspired

Done, Leaving no more,

The city is the pimp


You are just a whore..

Wednesday 13 June 2018

How to share your feelings 3

When you decide to share your feelings there is one important rule. Do not justify.
Explain but not justify.
Remember they are your feelings. You can give a reason of course but you don’t need a confirmation or agreement.
All you need is to be listened and being understood when you share your feelings.
People in the conversation do not need to READ MORE CLICK HERE

Tuesday 12 June 2018

How to share your feelings 2

Sharing your feelings must free you not make you feel under pressure.
You have to be confident, relax and powerful when you are opening up with your most personal feelings.
If you are not ease then either you are not ready or the person you choose is not right.
As long as the conditions mentioned above right you will be the winner. Come out more powerful and emotionally connected. This will lead to happiness and being positive.
If you want to be happy.. READ MORE CLICK HERE

Friday 8 June 2018

How to share your feelings?

Sharing your feeling is not easy. Feelings are very but very personal. Actually, sometimes it is harder to express your emotional thoughts to people very close to you.
I believe one of the main reasons for that is not to hurt people. Partners, parents, siblings, best friends sometimes take it seriously and get offended, hurt etc.
Remember most of the time people treat the closest bad. Go hard. Heavy. Cause they know you can take it or understand. They know that you will forgive them no matter what.
Looking at the situation on your side.  Read More..

Friday 25 May 2018

Do you miss your girlfriend?

When you are in a long-term relationship and living together, you do not realise how much you get used to being with your partner.

You wake up, go to work, do your errands, go to the gym, etc.. and come home to her, eat your food, watch tv, talk a little and go to bed.

Busy life for sure but you are addicted to her being there with you. Next to you. Same room, Sleeping in the same bed. It adds up. Adds up so much you understand how important her being there. Close to you. Next to you.

Read more on my blog. Click Here

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Hipster jokes from east London

My poetry bring all the hipsters to the yard and they're like "How Avant-garde" 

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody's around to hear it, will a hipster buy the soundtrack? 

Dear Hipster, Jesus loved you before you were cool. 

If a hipster does something but doesn't Instagram it, did it really happen? 

I ain't no hipster, but I can make your hips stir. 

Dear Hipster, no matter how cool you think you're making it look...It's still alcoholism 

Two hipsters walk into a bar. The first one did it before it was cool, and the second one did it ironically. 

I farted in a room of hipsters and I watched them fight each other over who heard it first. 

So a hipster walks into a bar and, well, you've probably never heard of it. 

What came first the hipster or the mainstream? 

Push a hipster down the stairs, look whose tumbling. 

Hipsters wear jackets in the summer before it's cool. 

Hipsters hate rivers. Too mainstream. 

Do I look fat in this dress?

A- Hey babes,
B-Hey Darling
A- Do I look fat in this dress?
B- No baby
A-Are you sure?
B-Yes baby
A-But you said you like my big ass
B-Yes baby.
A- You think that I am fat???!!!
B- No baby
A- So you think my ass is not sexy???!!
B- No baby.
A- So you say my ass is fat  that means I am fat!!
B- No baby
A- so you calling me fat???!!
B- No baby
A- You don't love me anymore.. go to hell!!!!
B- Baby????


Friday 4 May 2018

Trust in Relationship

Yes, you can. If you want to.

Any doubts in a relationship mean two things. Communication problem or not trusting your partner from the beginning.

Beginning of the relationship is always being the most important decision period. If there is an issue, suspicion, attitude problem, habits that you don't like then sort it or move on before things get serious. If you don't then you carry all these problems with a snowball effect.


Saturday 24 February 2018

Basic rules of dating

There are fundamental rules if you want to be successful in the dating game.
First of all what does mean being successful on dating?
-Get a second date?
-One night stand?
-Possible relationship opportunity?
It all depends on what do you want. This is the first rule. 

Friday 16 February 2018

What makes you happy?

Do you even ask this question to yourself? I bet you don't. Well, you should. Because the answer will be the route to your pure happiness.

Most people -including you- making decisions based on other peoples beliefs, opinions, ideas etc. This includes a very simple decision to most important one and you know that. Why try to satisfy other people and sacrifice your happiness for acceptance? Unfortunately, this is becoming a norm these days. We must change that but how.?

The first step is being ruthless. In the beginning, hearts will break, people will get hurt. However, in the long turn, the table will change. People who understand your reasons and accept your independent decisions and more importantly respect the way you want to live your life. This process will hurt some people including you but in the end, you will end up with people who care about and who care about you.

Life is not a smooth journey. This is the reality. Accept the reality. Once you do it, then your life will be much simple and happy. Do not make it complicated. Keep it simple. If you decide to do something then just do it. The second you try to justify your decisions to others you become unhappy. NO need for that. Make a decision and go for it. Don't worry. It gets easier and you become happier.
Remember, being happy is not a task. It's your right.  Don't let society to guide you. Follow your heart and mind.
You will never go wrong.

Taken from dailyconversationsblog